On christmas eve we took a nice walk at the lake near my parents house. We saw a bunch of deer and a beautiful fox! Sadly i didnt get a picture of them because i didnt have my zoom lense with me but here is a few shots from our walk. .

Than we played scrabble and ordered some Chinese food (i dont know how this tradition started but we have been ordering chinese food on christmas eve for as long as i can remember!)

I wanted to start a tradition with kyler this year so i decided to let him open one present on christmas eve (something i always begged my parents to let me do and they never did!)

Than It started snowing so we took a nice walk around my parents neighborhood!

We put out cookies for santa

When we woke up there were presents everywhere!

We opened gifts...

Took a picture with my brother and his family

Kyler cuddled with his great grand mom

We ate a HUGE breakfast

Than we drank coffee, relaxed and got ready to have some family over for dinner and games! We enjoyed a few rounds of the new catch phrase ! All in all it was a great christmas, probably the best ever!

How was your Christmas? Did you start any new traditions?
it was a great Christmas!!! I love all these pictures ! you're so good at it!! I don't want you guys to ever leave so I refuse to drive you to the airport!!